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Why ‘Signature Colours’ matter

Human beings are naturally drawn to the vivid colours seen in sunsets and rainbows, tropical fish, birds, flowers, deep blue oceans and forest green hills; we enjoy the emotional response we feel when we look at such eye-catching colours in nature.  So it is the same when we discover our ‘Signature Colours’.

The process of a personal colour analysis is a fascinating, eye-opening and educational experience.  It is even more engaging (and I would even go so far as to suggest, ‘magical’ and ‘powerful’) when it physically takes place in a studio.  A variety of coloured fabrics are draped under your chin in order to determine the best temperature (warm or cool), chroma (soft or bright) and value (light or dark) of hues that flatter, enhance and harmonise with your natural colouring, consisting of your hair, skin, eyes and teeth.  The ‘magical’ aspect of draping occurs when a particular colour instantly makes you shine. These ‘stand-out’ colours are the first part of recognising what I refer to as your ‘Signature Colours’.

Signature colours are colours that a professionally trained and certified colour consultant will judge as ‘remarkable’.  These are your ‘wow’ colours, or what I like term, as your ‘super power’ colours.  They are colours that are extremely flattering on you.

Why ‘Signature Colours’ matter

The varied and vivid colours we see in nature that delight us

They will instantly make you look more radiant; your skin, eyes and even your teeth will look healthier, whiter and brighter.  There will be an instant ‘glow’ that emanates because your signature colour harmonises so well with the colour of your natural features.  Signature colours can be used to best effect when you wish to make an excellent first impression such as a job interview, a romantic date, a speaking engagement, a business promotion, marketing advertisement, or special event.  These are the times when wearing one of your signature colours will mean that you are projecting the very best version of yourself; your audience will find you more appealing and most importantly, you will feel an innate sense of confidence knowing that the colours you are wearing look fantastic on you.  Wearing one of your ‘knockout colours’ means you are more likely to leave a positive and lasting impression.

A signature colour can also be deemed as one that enhances or intensifies your features and makes them appear more striking.  Any colour worn above the waist in the form of clothing, accessories (scarves, hijabs, jewellery etc.), makeup and hair colour can enhance or intensify your look. Learning about your ‘special’ colours will make such a difference when you go to select new eyewear, simply purchase a new lipstick, or decide what colour to dye your hair, including lowlights and highlights.  An ‘enhancer’ is a hue that is the same, or very similar value and intensity, to the colour of your natural hair, eye, or skin colour.  Selecting eyewear, or eye makeup in colours that mimic the colour of these particular features will harmonise with your natural tones and create an aesthetically appealing appearance.  For example, brown eyes can be enhanced with values of brown including cocoa, caramel and taupe eye shadows, or, eyeliner.  However, it’s always important to consider the correct level of contrast that suits your specific colour direction.  If low contrasting colours wash you out, then select eyewear, for example, that creates a medium contrast with your eyes and hair colour.  Contrast is another very important element that you will learn about when you undertake a personal colour analysis with me.

Why ‘Signature Colours’ matter

Select the most flattering colours that enhance or intensify the colour of your eyes, hair and skin

An ‘intensifying’ colour is one that is opposite on the colour wheel to your natural eye, hair or skin colours.  This will intensify your features and make a bolder statement.  If your eyes are green, wearing a berry-coloured lipstick will accentuate your eye colour and vice versa.  Plum, violet and purple eyeshadows will also intensify your green eyes.  I often ask my clients to bring along some make-up that they use on a daily basis, so that I can assess if they are on the right path when it comes to selecting their most flattering range of colours.

I believe that when you are investing in new clothing purchases, it’s important that your core and basic items mix and match effortlessly.  A core colour is a hue suitable for many of your hard-working garments like suiting, including pants, skirts, and jackets. Your core colours are also deemed your signature colours because they will complement other clothing and accessories in basic and accent colours, particular to your colour direction.  Once again, understanding the correct colour contrast between these elements will mean that you are more in tune with how to create outfits that look lovely on you.

Finally, the colours you love, gravitate towards, and make you feel confident, are YOUR signature colours.  For example, I love wearing purple.  It does happen to be one of my intensifier colours.  I feel good wearing purple and it makes me feel calm and happy. It looks wonderful with navy, which is one of my core colours. So, I have officially declared it to be one of my signature colours.  I even use it in my branding as it has positive psychological connotations related to luxury, beauty and wisdom.  Purple contains the elements of strength and energy that the colour of red offers, but it also coveys the spirituality and integrity of blue.  Therefore, purple conveys a balanced union and appropriately represents my profession as a personal stylist and image consultant.  Out of interest, my other branding colour is orange which conjures feelings of excitement, joy and warmth.  It is an optimistic and uplifting colour, that inspires confidence and some risk-taking, perfect for the work I do with my clients.

There are also universal colours that the fashion houses reveal every year.  As a result, you will find that some of these colours may also be included as part of your signature colour range, once you understand your specific colour direction.

Why ‘Signature Colours’ matter - Personal Styling Services - Sunshine Coast & Brisbane

Purple and orange are complementary colours featured in my branding

Why ‘Signature Colours’ matter

Discover your ‘Signature Colours’ with a Personal Colour Analysis

If you are feeling inspired, intrigued and excited about the benefits of becoming aware of colours that make you look and feel fantastic, then consider investing in a personal colour analysis.  I am sure you will not regret discovering your natural colouring and authentic self.

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